One of the things I started paying attention to thanks to being a blogger is my skin, just so I’d be able to get beauty/skincare content to feed you with as its a category on my blog and I’m glad I started doing this as its not only helping with content, it’s also helping me get better skin and trust me when I say experimenting with skincare products is really scary but the thrill it brings is quite exciting. 

I’ve got really oily skin on my face and in today’s post I’d be sharing with you what and what I do to control the excess oil production on my face.

Almost everybody says this but still people do not listen. A few days ago my roommate talked about how she doesn’t like to apply creams on her face because it’s oily but that’s not how it works. Our faces gets oily because the brain senses dryness thereby causing the skin to produce more oil, so you see moisturizing is very important. I also noticed that on nights when I apply coconut oil on my face, when I wake up my face is usually shine free unlike nights when I do not, you can practically fry plantain with the oil that’d be on my face the following morning. I currently use the neutrogena moisture wrap lotion (can be gotten in stores and on

which moisturizer do you use? Comment below

Due to the oily nature of the skin it’s easy for the pores on the skin to get clogged up so a single cleanse might not be able to open up the pores. Do not just use a face wipe once and think your skin is clean. To cleanse my face I mostly use a face wipe first then followed with a soap and water wash. How do you cleanse your face? Comment below

It’s easy for dirt and dust to stick to an oily surface, so to avoid transferring dirt you’ve come in contact with to your face, avoid touching your face except when necessary. 

I’m sure this part is totally stale, but it’s important to find a primer that isn’t overly drying and suitable for oily skin. I currently own tubes the Zaron face primer, see my thoughts on it here

Which face primer do you use? Comment below

Makeup brushes are one of the best things that have happened to the makeup world but do not sleep on powder puffs!! The powder brushes swipe across the surface of the skin which is good for makeup application but for the occasional touch ups when you’re on the go powder puffs do a better job.

I planned to post this hours ago but I had a very long day this Wednesday that I’m still recovering from. Anyway like the saying goes ‘it’s better late than never’ and I’m hoping you learnt a thing or two from this post. 

          Till next time… xoxo

Do you have any other skin care tips for oiled skin people like myself? Do share by leaving a comment so we can learn from you too.

20 thoughts on “THE 5 | OILY SKIN DOs

  1. I usually use a tumeric mix then wash with soap nd water. The tumeric dries out excess oil from my face. Its so hard for me not to touch my face, working on it tho. My skin reacts to Neutrogena for some wierd reason.


  2. #OilyFaceSquad over here.
    I don’t apply cream on my face for the same reasons your roommate gave. Might have to reconsider after reading this. Use the zaron primer too. Lovely post 🙂


  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I have such an oily facial skin, it’s exhausting
    I avoid makeup most times especially in really hot weathers cos it just worsens it all.
    This is so valuable, definitely be trying them ☺


  4. Exfoliating is major key!!! I know the eden scrub is quite affordable, i just might get me a cup of it and try it out too. I would recommend the neutrogena cleansing range but it’s quite pricey. Thanks for stopping by Derin.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello ifeoma,i use Palmers cocoa butter with vitamin E to moisturise and I use extract soap and cleanser but I’m not really satisfied with the cleanser so I’m likely to change it after it gets finished….i also exfoliate twice a week with eden apricot scrub.


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