Currently listening to Tye Tribbett – He Turned It.

So happy I’m finally able to pen this down right now, I planned to draft this on Wednesday but I got sick and could barely stand the light coming from the screen of my phone. I’m feeling much better now and super excited to share my 3 hours in Abeokuta in Ogun state, Nigeria experience with you.

All most people know about Abeokuta is the famous Olumo rock but trust me there is more to the city and even though I spent just a few hours in the city I’d be showing you a new dimension of Abeokuta through 5 things I did while I was there and you should probably do too if you ever visit the city.

1. Buy Adire

Tie and dye aka Adire originated from Abeokuta and buying Adire fabrics from the Egba women guarantees you a well made, quality and durable fabric that you can trust and even pass on to your kids as the Adire fabric originated from the ancestors.

2. Eat Hot Agege Bread

I can hardly eat bread from anywhere without having a drink with me, I got a loaf of bread which normally in Lagos would be sold for 400naira for 250naira and I ate it all without bothering for a drink, it was hot and delicious!!!!

3. Visit Iwe Iroyin

I gathered this the first ever media house in Nigeria, everything media that concerns media from tv, to radio and even news papers was first done there and look at me thinking everything happened in Lagos first, traveling really teaches you a whole lot that you might never learn from school.

4. Buy Suya

We Nigerians do not joke with our suya so when I my travel buddy for the day mentioned getting suya I jumped on the offer. Luckily for me the suya spot was just outside the Iwe Iroyin building and I surprised to see that even in Abeokuta the Hausas still mean business. We brought the suya back home with us, didn’t eat it till the following and it was still really tasty.

5. Take A Fast Drive

Risky? I know right but it was totally it because if you know Lagos well, you’d know that you can hardly enjoy being in a car because of the constant heavy traffic on almost every road. I absolutely enjoyed the ride and my travel buddy and I are both fans of young Nigerian talent Mojeed, so we bumped our favorite songs off his album loudly till we found ourselves back in Lagos.

I decided this year to broaden my horizon and I’m so delighted that though this might not seem so much of a travel to you, it was really important to me and this is my second entry in the travel section of my blog (you can check out the first one here). Slowly but surely I’m certain I’d be able to bring all my travel dreams to life.Hope you had a good week? and do enjoy your weekend!!

Word For The Day : ‘Forget all you think you know, only then will you begin to live’

Have you traveled to anywhere new lately? What is your favorite travel memory? Do share with me by leaving a comment below, thank you!

15 thoughts on “THE 5 | THINGS TO DO IN ABEOKUTA IN 3 HOURS.

  1. I stayed in Abeokuta for 10 months and the iwe iroyin suya joint was the spot. Never missed an opportunity to buy. Abeokuta is really fun and your picture was able to capture some of that.


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