Currently listening to Banky W – High Notes Yes I’m confessing it, I have an obsession and I’m tired of keeping it to myself. I’m totally obsessed with glasses, I hardly ever feel complete leaving my house even on a rainy day without a pair of glasses. I’ve been collecting glasses for a while now and of all the pairs I own (read this post to know how), the clear framed ones are the most reoccurring ones in various styles and I today’s post I’d be sharing my fav clear frame ones with you…GENESIS

This was the very first pair I got in my hunt for a pair of clear frame glasses, I got it from a bus park vendor in yaba. Got it with the thoughts of it not lasting on my mind but I still got it anyway because I really wanted one and look now it’s lasted 2 whole years and still going strong. 


This was the second pair I got after seeing it on one of my favorite bloggers at a shopping event. The moment I sighted it I grew wings and flew over to the vendor just before she packed up as the event was already over. This one is my favorite pair, it’s really sturdy but I still don’t wear it often because I don’t want to lose it anytime everrrrrrrrrrr


Ever worn something and just get into character immediately? That’s how I feel whenever I wear this particular pair of cat-eye glasses, I feel fierce and like I can pierce through anything on my way with my claws (I’ve got bars init?). This is the cheapest pair I own, I got it from a roadside vendor so I wear it all the damn time.


I know I said the ‘the blogger shade‘ is my favorite but with the amount of times I’ve worn this particular pair, one will think it’s the only pair of glasses I own and I only even just got it last month. This was gifted to me by IG : @shop.neen and I’d say this is one of the best gift I’ve received this year so far, I absolutely love love love it.

There you have it guys, I feel much lighter talking about this obsession. You see, sharing your problem like I mentioned here helps a lot but please right now I don’t need any tips on how to curb this glasses obsession of mine, I’m just fine and I get even finer one shade at a time. 

What is that one fashion item you can’t stop buying? If I were to go through your wardrobe what item would I find more than the others? Do leave me a reply, thanks.

22 thoughts on “MY CLEAR OBSESSION 

  1. I recently started collecting sunnies and frames too and I’m getting obsessed too especially with the clear ones. I love, love the Shop Neen frames and I have something similar to your 2nd frames.


  2. You look good in all of them! I love glasses too, not always though. I’ve worn prescription glasses since 3rd grade lol but now they are literally a part of fashion 💕🤓


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